Keywords = psychological well-being
Predicting the psychological well-being of employees based on perceived organizational support, workplace spirituality and self-efficacy

Volume 4, Issue 1, August 2018, Pages 35-48


Tooraj Sepahvand; Seyed mehdi Majidi Kerahroodi; Saeed Moosavipour; Farahnaz Sepahvand

Prediction of Psychological Well-Being based on the Positive and Negative Affection and Coping Self – Efficacy

Volume 1, Issue 4, November 2016, Pages 1-14

Mehrdad Mazaheri; Seyedeh Hakimeh Bahramian

The Effect of Positive Thinking Training on Psychological Well-being and Perceived Quality of Marital Relationship on Infertile Women

Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2015, Pages 45-58

Shahriar. Dargahi; Farhad. Mohsenzade; Keyanosh Zahrakar